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Nutrition and Culinary Arts

EMA memberThe undergraduate and Postgraduate Diplomas at the school of nutrition Switzerland in Nutrition and Culinary Arts are courses for students that want to strengthen their skills in the health and Food focusing mainly on the managerial elements and the skills needed to successfully run a business from a high-end position. This course will consist of a 12-month study period in which students will be taught through lectures and online theory experience in the Academy, the student should be working part-time too, then once they have learned the skills and approaches needed on a managerial level, they will be able to work in a local business.
Did you know that Switzerland Management Education has been ranked 1 worldwide by the World Economic Forum?, If you are interested in Tourism and Events management and want to be a future manager or get a better position, then you should apply today to Study with us. All our study programs are made for you to be able to finish within one academic year.

We have 5 intakes per year for this study program.

This study at the school of nutrition Switzerland is very beneficial for students, as it will help to open up a lot more career paths than they would have been able to pursue if they entered the profession at undergraduate or postgraduate level.
The students will be taught the core elements needed for a managerial position in most international Nutrition or culinary businesses. Part-time studying and part-time working in a state of the art kitchen or Nutrition office, the students will get a chance to become accustomed to the type of environment they will be overseeing as a culinary chef or Nutritionist and will learn the necessary skills and sanitary procedures to make it a safe environment for themselves and their co-workers.
Having the chance to put these skills to use in a working environment will also mean that these students get a hands-on experience out of the walls of the Academy and will be able to communicate and work as a part of a professional team which will add on a whole new level of knowledge and also a professional vocabulary in order to set themselves up properly for employment.

Note: Study fee does not include application and reservation fee (to guarantee you a study place) of 240 Euro (one-time payment and non-refundable).


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