
3 Universities/Academies = 1 Doctorate (100% Online Study Program & Graduation in Switzerland)

Students will have a joint Doctorate from OUS Academy in Switzerland + the University of Dąbrowa Górnicza (WSB) in Poland + Taras Shevchenko National University (KNU) in Ukraine.
This Doctorate is unique. OUS is the first Academy provides its students such high level of a program. Click Here for more info

THREE Top European Universities/Academies = Best Virtual/Distance Program = ONE Top European Master


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PhD. In Accounting Management

PhD. in Accounting Management is a qualification that is more related to the field of accounting and management and is very much useful for professionals who want to get better positions in the world. The main aim is to bring forward experts who can act as researchers, capable workers, efficient teachers, and modern problems solvers. It should be mentioned here that accounting management is basically something which is of high-grade practical value and students are taught various techniques related to controlling as well as reporting the financial health of the different organization. It includes the following points:

• Analysis
• Planning
• Implementation
• Program Controlling

These points have been designed for providing financial data related to reporting for handling managerial decision-making procedures. It includes below-mentioned aspects
• Maintenance of banking accounts
• Developing financial statements
• Cash Flow
• Financial performance analysis

Students will be provided with details that can be considered as useful once for the preparation of management reports as well as accounts that actually deliver timely and accurate information associated with finances as well as statistics needed by managers. Pearsons possessing a Ph.D. in Accounting Management will have better decision-making power as well as a potential one. It means that strong career-related opportunities will be presented in front of you. 

This program is equivalent to EQF (European Qualifications Framework) Level 8 - Doctorate Level.
This program is equivalent to 180 ECTS

How long should be my thesis? 
Usually, it should be from 60.000 – 100.000 words (from chapter 1 to chapter 5). Students are allowed to have 10% less or more. However, the supervisor can allow a student to write more.

Do you indicate words "online" or "Distance" on the Ph.D. Certificate?

Can I use the title?
We have asked the Swiss Authorities about the title, and their answer was (Students are allowed to use the title they got from the school)

Is there a "Thesis Defence"?
Yes, and we recommend students to do it in Switzerland. However it can be done ONLINE too, you need a camera and microphone.

Study Language: this study program is taught entirely in English.

We have 5 intakes per year.

Is OUS Accredited by a recognized European accreditation body?

Yes, OUS is authorized, validated, certified, accredited and an institutional member of over 50 public/private organizations, for the full list please check here.

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