
3 Universities/Academies = 1 Doctorate (100% Online Study Program & Graduation in Switzerland)

Students will have a joint Doctorate from OUS Academy in Switzerland + the University of Dąbrowa Górnicza (WSB) in Poland + Taras Shevchenko National University (KNU) in Ukraine.
This Doctorate is unique. OUS is the first Academy provides its students such high level of a program. Click Here for more info

THREE Top European Universities/Academies = Best Virtual/Distance Program = ONE Top European Master


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PhD. in Global Management

PhD. in Global Management Degree is a postgraduate program available to anyone with a Master’s degree in any business field. The program focuses on making student involved in community development, economic and social change, sustainable development, and human rights both in the local and international scene. The majority of the study is targeted on the community, its development, impact of globalization, as well as the economic standing of its members. The program also affects topics such as social evaluation and research, leadership, the effect of industrialization and current trends on the development of communities.

This Ph.D. is recommended for those with interest in community organizing and social interactions. Graduates of this program can find employment in the fields of research, journalism, international project manager, and government service. International organizations such as environmental groups "Greenpeace" and IWC look for people who can rally a community towards a worthy cause the same can be said for the Red Cross and other volunteer organizations.

Although there are some careers available that can offer a large payday such as journalism and international project managers, graduates in this field mostly find employment non-profit organizations and cause-driven groups. Those who wish to pursue this field of study must have, in addition to the willingness to learn, a purpose different from earning a paycheck. The good news is that there is an abundance of groups, which require skills learned owing to this program, so finding employment is hardly a problem.

This program is equivalent to EQF (European Qualifications Framework) Level 8 - Doctorate Level. 
This program is equivalent to 180 ECTS

How long should be my thesis? 
Usually, it should be from 60.000 – 100.000 words (from chapter 1 to chapter 5). Students are allowed to have 10% less or more. However, the supervisor can allow a student to write more.

Do you indicate words "online" or "distance" on the Ph.D. certificate?

Can I use the title?
We have asked the Swiss Authorities about the title, and their answer was (Students are allowed to use the title they got from the school)

Is there a "Thesis Defence"?
Yes, and we recommend students to do it in Switzerland however it can be done ONLINE too, you need a camera and microphone.

Study Language: this study program is taught entirely in English.

We have 5 intakes per year.

Is OUS Accredited by a recognized European accreditation body?

Yes, OUS is authorized, validated, certified, accredited and/or an institutional member of over 50 public/private organizations, for the full list please check here.

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