
3 Universities/Academies = 1 Doctorate (100% Online Study Program & Graduation in Switzerland)

Students will have a joint Doctorate from OUS Academy in Switzerland + the University of Dąbrowa Górnicza (WSB) in Poland + Taras Shevchenko National University (KNU) in Ukraine.
This Doctorate is unique. OUS is the first Academy provides its students such high level of a program. Click Here for more info

THREE Top European Universities/Academies = Best Virtual/Distance Program = ONE Top European Master


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PhD. in Tourism Management

logo myswitzerland smallPh.D. in Tourism Management is a qualification that will prepare students in such a manner where they can become efficient workers as well as researchers in the field of tourism. The main focus is on explaining different techniques normally applied for carrying out tourism management. The coursework is going to focus on a good number of hotels as well as tourism business management related courses alongside research design groups and courses that deal with statistics. Students will be required to carry out the completion of courses in association with related fields and some of them are mentioned below

• Psychology
• Sociology
• Marketing
• Management

The program will provide you with knowledge corresponding to all relevant aspects, so at the time of need high-grade sophisticated techniques and tools, can be used by professionals. There are some important prerequisites mentioned below

We suggest that you should prefer to be enrolled in this course if you want to pursue a successful career in this field. Many decent opportunities will be opened in front of you and the best part is that more options will be there for exploring possibilities.

This program is equivalent to EQF (European Qualifications Framework) Level 8 - Doctorate Level.
This program is equivalent to 180 ECTS

How long should be my thesis? 
Usually, it should be from 60.000 – 100.000 words (from chapter 1 to chapter 5). Students are allowed to have 10% less or more, however, the supervisor can allow a student to write more.


Do you indicate words "online" or "distance" on the Ph.D. certificate?


Can I use the title?
We have asked the Swiss Authorities about the title, and their answer was (Students are allowed to use the title they got from the school)

Is there a "Thesis Defence"?
Yes, and we recommend students to do it in Switzerland however it can be done ONLINE too, you need a camera and microphone.

Study Language: this study program is taught entirely in English.

We have 5 intakes per year.

Is OUS Accredited by a recognized European accreditation body?

Yes, OUS is authorized, validated, certified, accredited and/or an institutional member of over 50 public/private organizations, for the full list please check here.

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