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Apply to Study

It will take you just 3 steps

Apply today to secure your place for next intakes.

Decide the subject you want: e.g. Business Administration
Choose a diploma: e.g. Master (MBA)
Choose your specialization: e.g. Sales and Marketing

Made your choices

Register online or call our head office in Switzerland

This step is free of charge, you are not asked to pay anything, in case you decided to study another specialization or level, there's plenty of time to have a better look into your application and tell you what is the best option for you with us.

Once you have submitted your application, we will answer you within 3 working days; if any document still missing, we will ask you to send us the rest of the document by email.

Attach the following documents to EMAIL (translated to English & officially stamped) to our admission office:

Complete application form

  • High school diploma (if undergraduate applicant) or Undergraduate Diploma (if postgraduate applicant)
  • IELTS, TOEFL, or equivalent test results
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Work references (if available)
  • Copy of passport or an official ID


After we have received all your documents, and after your application has been reviewed by our Admission office, we will send you an by email “OFFER LETTER”, which means, you are qualified to enter the program you were chosen but to guarantee you a place, all students must pay the registration fee of 240 Euro and then it will be forwarded to the Head of Admission who will give the final approve.

Please note: our Offer letter is valid just 14 days, if within 14 days OUS Royal Academy of Economics and Technology in Switzerland doesn’t receive the registration fee, we will not be able to guarantee you a place anymore, we are receiving daily a lot of application and we have just limited places.

STEP Three

After we received the Registration fee, we will send you an “OFFICIAL LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE” with this letter you will be guaranteed a place to study however sometimes you will be asked to pay a small part of the study fee.

At least the first year fee must be paid 2-4 weeks before the intake, and then we will send you all your study materials and how to login to our voice classrooms and the time, usually our study programs are from Friday to Sunday.


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