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Freilagerstr. 39, Zurich, CH
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The School of Tourism and Nutrition in Switzerland (STNS), part of OUS Royal Academy of Economics and Technology in Switzerland, holds a leading position worldwide, in this department, we offer studies in Food, Nutrition or an appropriate science related subject.
By 2017, the hotel and tourism industry is expected to generate 262.000.000 jobs, approx. 1 in every 10 jobs worldwide
Enhance Your Expertise at OUS
OUS will connect you with learners and leaders with our online programs. Your mind will take as far as you can go.
For Professionals, Researchers, and Academics Alike:
Tourism & Nutrition related diplomas are great demand worldwide. In our programs, you will become adept and master:
Did you know that:
Tourism & Nutrition related diplomas provide many transferable skills, such as: